Issue Token
Last updated
Last updated
Compile and Deploy OJX20 Contract
Open Remix IDE:
Select solidity language
Create new contract OJX20Token.sol and copy contract code from the OJX20 token template here
Modify “name”, “symbol”, “decimals” and “totalSupply” according to your requirements.
Compile the OJX20 token contract
a. Step1: Click button to switch to compile page
b. Step2: Select “OJX20Token” contract
c. Step3: Enable “Auto compile” and “optimization”
d. Step4: Click “ABI” to copy the contract abi and save it.
Depoy the contract to TC
a. Step1: Click button to switch to compile button.
b. Step2: Select “Injected Web3”
c. Step3: Select “OJX20Token”
d. Step4: Client “Deploy” button and Metamask will pop up
e. Client “confirm” button to sign and broadcast transaction to TC.