💸Sole Mining (CPU)
Step by step
Download your desktop wallet here
Unzip and install the application
You can choose the data folder or keep it default
Run the application
Your wallet will start syncing. Wait till it's fully synced to the network (grab some coffee since it may take some time)
Once fully synced. Go to Tools > Debug console
Enter command. Setgenerate true
That's all. Just wait till your PC find some blocks to earn mining rewards.
ps: If your wallet is unable to sync with the network. You need to edit the configuration file and add nodes.
Go to Tools > Open wallet configuration file. (open with text editor)
Copy some Config lines from https://explorer.ojacoin.org/network/ tab Add Nodes
Paste in your wallet config file and save
Close your wallet and replace peers.dat file using this file https://download.ojacoin.org/peers.dat
Restart your wallet and It will start syncing.
Last updated